xtau nape aku skang ni cam rajin nak bt tag...org x tag aku pon aku amik jer copy..huahuahua...halal kan ye kwn2...
k ni tag tok pg yg sejuk kat opis ni...
30 secrets About Yourself. Be honest no matter what..
[One] Who was your last text from?
b....[ Two ] Where was your default picture taken?
old town kat sg wang..huhuh[ Three ] Are you bored with life at times?
yup...sometimesss[Four ] Your current status?
single but not available..[ Five ] What is your current mood?
sad ..:(
[ Six ] Where do you stay?
rawang umah parents.[ Seven ] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
mesti la mau!!! sbb ape? bia ak u je yg tau...huhuh[Eight ] What's your favorite color/s?
ikut musimm..skang ni gile kale merahhh...[ Nine ] Ever had a near death experience?
Alhamdulillah xde g..[ Ten ] Something you do a lot?
surfing...sms...[Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
beloved mom n b...[ Twelve ] Name someone with the same birthday as you.
don't know![ Thirteen ] If you could have one super power what would it be?
ape2 la...x terpikir lg ah skang..[Fourteen ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
wow!!handsome nyerrr...hohoho
[ Fifteen ] Favorite season?
xdo[Sixteen ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
not really...
[ Seventeen ] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
[ Eighteen ] Do you speak any other language?
nope..[ Nineteen ] Describe your life in one word.
[ Twenty ] Do you have any tattoos?
xdo...n x ingin..
[ Twenty-one ] Who was the last person you hung out with?
b..last week mase dier ade kat KL..[Twenty-two ] What are you thinking about right now?
cepat la kul 8 pg..nak blik tdo[ Twenty- three ] What should you be doing?
monitor alert screen!
[Twenty-four ] Who was the last person that made you sad/angry?
b...sbb kate aku ngade ngadu lapo tp x mkn...[ Twenty-five ] What are y ou listening to?
seloka hari raya...wehoooooo nak raye dah!
[Twenty-six ] Do you like working in the yard?
[Twenty-seven ] Who is with you?
now??? kaarthi n ashvin. ..opis mate...[ Twenty-eight ] Do you act different around the person you like?
[ Twenty-nine ] What is your natural hair colour?
[Thirty ] Last time you were really happy.
yesterday..sbb seme makcik n pakcik dtg umah buke pose...sronok kumpul rmai2..